Member of the Week: Maria Lopez Perez

Maria Lopez Perez of Albertsons #6521 has been in the industry for 11 years. She was hired in the Service Deli and is now in the Bakery.

Perez’s hobbies include spending time with her family and playing with her young children.

When asked what inspired her to get more involved she said, “I still need to find out more information, but for now I think it helps a lot when you know how things work between the union, employees and the company.”

Q: How would your life be different if you were not a union member?

A: “I would be worried about my job. Job security is the first think I worry about, especially now that I have kids. Being a union member helps that.”

Q: If you could make a change in the workplace, what would it be?

A: “It would be that everybody would work with the same energy, being happy with what they do and teamwork.”

Q: What in your life are you most proud of?

A: “My family.”

Q: What do you like most about your job?

A: “I really like my schedule. The flexibility allows me to spend time with my family.”

Want to see more, but don’t want to wait until next week? Check out our previous Member of the Week honorees in the Archive.