Member of the Week: Maria Banda

Maria Banda of Stater Bros. #124 has been in the industry since 1996. She started at Vons, and after the strike in 2003 came to Stater Bros. as a deli clerk and is now in the Bakery.

Banda’s hobbies include camping, fishing and going out shooting.

When asked what inspired her to get more involved she said, “During the strike I helped out the steward at the time and wanted to be a part of helping again. There is a lot of strength in coming together.”

Q: How would your life be different if you were not a union member?

A: “There wouldn’t be the closeness that there is, we would be out there on our own. It’s good that we help each other just to help, and nice to know that there is someone who has our back.”

Q: What in your life are you most proud of?

A: “My daughter. Family is everything. ”

Q: What do you like most about your job?

A: “The people I get to know. Talking to the older customers that during the strike supported us. Some of them would bring sandwiches by the picket lines and tell us they supported us. Hearing their life stories, and getting to know them is amazing.”