Member of the Week: Tena Long

Tena Long of Stater Bros. #27 has been in the industry for 22 years. She started out in the meat department and is now a Scan Coordinator/Back-Up Receiver/Checker.

Long’s hobbies include movie watching, walking her dogs and spending time with her two children.

When asked what inspired her to get more involved she said, “I was a union steward in Phoenix. In 1996 I moved to California and started with Albertsons in the Meat Department. Pat Lee asked if I would like the position here and I said you bet!”

Q: How would your life be different if you were not a union member?

A: “I know that the protections and benefits I have now wouldn’t be possible.”

Q: If you could make a change in the workplace, what would it be?

A: “To have the help and the hours we need to take care of our customers.”

Q: What do you like most about your job?

A: “Working with the public. I like being out and around people, the pay is good and we have great benefits.”

Want to see more, but don’t want to wait until next week? Check out our previous Member of the Week honorees in the Archive.