Member of the Week: Bill Ivey

Bill Ivey has been at the UFCW Food Employers Joint Trust Fund for 29 years. Ivy started as a medical claims adjuster and then was transferred from one department to the next as an auditor. He is now a Pension auditor making sure that members haven’t been shorted on their retirement income.

Ivy is a chair for the Orange County Junior All American Football Association, pushing academics as well as athletics in children of pre-high school ages. The Orange County Junior All American Football Association gives away $27,000 in scholarships each year. Ivy is also a deacon at his church.

Ivy’s hobbies include flying remote control helicopters, driving remote control cars, hiking, camping and rebuilding computers.

When asked what inspired him to get more involved he said, “Politics. I like helping people and politicians are supposed to help communities. I want to run for city council again in 2013 and make a difference for my community too.”

Q: What is it you like most about your job?

A: “Finding errors. Knowing that someone out there is getting the (pension) money they worked so hard for.”