Keep us informed of address changes… please!

Have you changed your address with the Local? Help save us postage and money.

Every month our Local receives hundreds of pieces of returned mail that was sent out to the membership for various reasons.

This mail includes contract updates, dues billings and U-Magazine to name just a few.

Each piece of returned mail costs the Local postage two times, once when we send it and one more time when it is returned to us because the address is incorrect.

We also spend countless hours trying to track down these members in an attempt to deliver their mail. This can cost the Local hundreds of dollars each and every month.

We will soon be starting negotiations with the food division and our members can expect to receive numerous updates through the mail. We will also be using e-mail and text messages to keep the membership informed throughout the process.

It will be extremely important that we have your contact information including your correct mailing address, email, home and cellular phone numbers.

Please take a couple of minutes and let us know if you have moved and update all of your contact information.

This can be done easily in several ways by either: calling the General Office (714) 995-4601, ext. 4, sending in a change of address form by mail, contact your representative or by clicking on the “contact us” link at our website, (

Giving a new address to your employer or to the Trust Fund does not change your address with Local 324. Please make sure to notify us.