Sweep Logs: Maintain Proper Records sweep

Your company maintains sweep logs to protect themselves from slip and fall lawsuits. This is the primary reason, but they also want to have a clean and safe store for their customers. These logs often become part of a lawsuit as evidence when an accident occurs in your store. So, when these logs are not completed and/or are missing required sweeps, management threatens discipline.

Each company has their own policies and procedures on when and how they want these sweeps completed. Sometimes, each department may be required to maintain their own logs that include the date, signature and times of day that the sweeps were completed. Companies consider these logs to be vitally important and require store-level management to monitor them closely.

Unfortunately, members sometimes take shortcuts and sign off on sweeps that were either missed or are incomplete. The fear of possible discipline is the excuse that we often hear. Hours are very tight and it can be difficult to squeeze in all the daily sweeps and still get your job done.

Falsifying these logs or signing off prior to completing the task can cost you your job. We have seen numerous members in recent months get suspended and terminated for doing just that. Management has treated these violations seriously and consistently; therefore, it is not worth the risk. We would rather our members receive a written warning than get caught falsifying sweep sheets. Loss prevention has been monitoring in-store video and comparing the sweep logs to the actual video to see if they match.

In order to protect your job, remember to completely and accurately record all sweep logs. Never sign off on a sweep log until the job has been completed. Notify your union representative immediately if you are asked by management to sign for sweeps that you did not personally do.