UFCW 324 Statement on Reported Albertsons Dividend Payment

To All Essential Grocery Store Workers

On the heels of the proposed merger between grocery giants Kroger and Albertsons, on Tuesday, Albertsons announced that it will pay out a $4 billion dividend to shareholders on November 7, 2022. 

We want to make it clear to our hard-working members that UFCW strongly opposes this dividend payout.

Taking billions in assets out of a company that is running well, employs hundreds of thousands of essential workers, and provides daily necessities for millions of customers is a bad idea for the workers as well as customers. That $4 billion could be spent to lower prices of food for consumers facing unprecedented levels of inflation, pay workers more or invest in safer stores for workers and customers.

We are looking to regulators and elected officials to act quickly to slow down this process. As grocery store workers, we want you to know that we have been, and continue to do everything in our power to stop this dividend payout and ensure your local grocery stores remain fully funded.

In solidarity, 

Andrea Zinder, President