2024 CVS Bargaining Updates

CVS Strke Vote 2024-1 CVS Strke Vote 2024-2



From the thousands of signatures collected on petitions from workers to the hundreds of people who have attended rallies at CVS stores this Summer, CVS workers across California are stronger than ever and CVS sees that.

Now they are resorting to tired tactics from an old playbook to confuse us and divide us. They know that if we continue to stand together, they will have no choice but to give us the contract we deserve. Member participation is essential in all actions to continue to show CVS that workers are willing to fight and strike, if necessary, for a fair contract that respects our work and our essential role in our communities.

While we don’t want to strike, we will take any action available to us to obtain a fair contract, and a strike is one of the many tools we have to give us the leverage we need to win. A strike is always the last resort, but workers must be prepared to walk out if it comes to that. The best way to avoid a strike is for CVS to truly believe their workers will strike.

Below are some frequently asked questions we are hearing from our members about your contract and a possible strike:

Will there be a contract extension?
Our contract expired on June 30, 2024, and the bargaining team has made the strategic decision that we will not agree to a contract extension because a contract extension would prevent our ability to go on strike. We want to have all the tools available to continue to fight for a fair contract. CVS has made millions of dollars in profits through union members’ hard work. Our members deserve a fair contract that respects their essential work and provides them with the wages and benefits that reflect their vital healthcare role and the staffing and store safety required to improve customers’ shopping experience.

What does it mean that our contract has expired without reaching an agreement on a new one?
An expired contract DOES NOT MEAN WE ARE ON STRIKE. All contract provisions/protections remain in place while we are negotiating, including your health insurance. You should continue to go to work according to your work schedule until an official representative of the union notifies you that a strike impacting your store has started. It’s very important to stay in touch with your steward and union rep who will be communicating information to members in the stores about actions and next steps in real time. IF YOU WALK OFF THE JOB BEFORE THE UNION DECLARES A STRIKE, YOU CAN BE DISCIPLINED AND/OR FIRED.

What is a strike?
A strike is when members vote to withhold their labor and do not report to work. Workers instead report to a picket line. A strike is a powerful tool for members to exercise and is always our last resort. Strikes are most effective when all employees in a struck location refuse to go to work.

What is an unfair labor practice (ULP)?
A ULP is when the company interferes with or discriminates against workers for their union activities. This violates federal labor law. Examples of a ULP include not allowing you to wear buttons, filming or keeping an eye on you at union actions, or otherwise retaliating against you for union activity. We have filed Unfair Labor Practice charges against CVS for allegedly unlawfully surveilling workers, retaliating against workers for union activity, and blocking workers from talking to their Union Representatives. We contend that these actions by the company are unlawful and ultimately harming our ability to get a fair contract and by filing charges, we show will not be intimidated by their threats.

What is an unfair labor practice (ULP) strike?
A ULP strike is when workers walk off the job and/or do not go to work per their scheduled shift to protest unfair labor practices the company has allegedly committed.

What is an economic strike?
An economic strike is a work stoppage by workers seeking economic benefits such as wages, hours, or other working conditions. An economic strike happens when the employer, employees and their union are unable to reach a collective bargaining agreement and the most recent proposal on the table is unacceptable to employees.

How is an economic strike different from an unfair labor practice strike?
Striking to protest unfair labor practices (unlike an economic strike) means that workers can not be permanently replaced. In addition, workers can return to work without a contract being approved.

Would my job be protected while on an unfair labor practice strike?
Employees who strike to protest an unfair labor practice committed by their employer are called unfair labor practice strikers. When the strike ends, unfair labor practice strikers, absent serious misconduct on their part, are entitled to have their jobs back even if employees hired to do their work have to be discharged. (source: https://www.nlrb.gov/strikes)

What has to happen for us to strike?
Three steps must be taken before we can legally strike:

  1. The contract must expire or otherwise not be in effect
  2. At least two-thirds of the workers in the Southern California bargaining unit who participate in the vote must vote to authorize negotiators to call a strike
  3. The negotiators (union leaders and workers on the bargaining committee) must decide WHEN to strike in order to make it most effective.
    a. A Union representative will notify workers it is time to walk out on the line.

AGAIN: DO NOT WALK OUT UNTIL YOUR UNION NOTIFIES YOU. If you walk out before that, you could be disciplined and/or fired by your employer.

When would we go on strike?
We would not automatically go on strike and TAKING A STRIKE VOTE DOES NOT MEAN WE ARE ON STRIKE. A date would be set following a vote from the membership authorizing the strike and following strike sanctions from our International Union and Labor Councils. In the period between the strike authorization vote and the strike deadline, the union would continue to attempt to bargain with CVS. Sometimes the results of the strike vote get the Employer to come to a fair agreement. For example, strongly rejecting a contract by all the workers sends a message to the employer that we are united in fighting for a better agreement. IF YOU WALK OFF THE JOB BEFORE THE UNION DECLARES A STRIKE, YOU CAN BE DISCIPLINED AND/OR FIRED.

If we go on strike, when would we picket?
Picket Captains would set a schedule along with the union representative for picket coverage during open hours to maximize our effort to send customers somewhere else while we are on strike.

If we go on strike, how long would we be on strike?
Nobody can predict how long we will be on strike. UFCW Local 7 in Colorado was on strike for 10 days and in Oregon, the grocery workers’ strike was only 36 hours. ULP strikes can be for a set period. If we go on strike, our union leaders and bargaining committee will determine the length that is most strategic for us to be out in order to win the contract we deserve. Ultimately, the length of time of a potential strike depends on a number of factors, but how well customers are honoring our strike is clearly the most important.

Will we receive pay while on strike?
The union has a strike fund that pays a benefit to striking workers. The UFCW 324 Executive Board has approved a benefit of $130 per day up to five days a week for clerks and supervisors and $150 per day up to five days a week for techs and lead techs.

What will happen to members who cross the picket line if we go on strike?
Strikes are hard on everyone, but they’re only effective when ALL the members remain united and demand the companies treat their employees with dignity and respect. When members cross the picket line they are letting the companies know the members are divided. Ultimately this will result in a weaker contract. The UFCW 324 Executive Board has the authority to determine if and what actions may be taken against scabs.

What happens if members simply stay home? (Don’t walk the picket line but don’t go to work)
Again, strikes are most effective when ALL workers remain united and show the companies our power. When workers don’t walk the picket line that sends a message to the company that we are not united and may result in a weaker contract.

Could I work somewhere else while on strike?
Yes. However, you must show up for your picketing shifts to receive the strike benefit, but your union representative can help you find other work around your picket shifts. Our strength has always been in our connection to our customers, and if we’re on strike, we need to make sure those customers shop at our other union locations until we return to work. Your continued participation is necessary for a successful strike.

Can they close the store, fire us, and then reopen as non-union?
The companies may threaten this as a scare tactic to discourage workers from going on strike. This is a violation of national labor law.

Do I keep my same job classification and pay once a strike is over and I go back to work?
A ULP strike would not affect your job classification. The terms of returning to work depend on the contract we win. The stronger our power is on the picket line, the greater the chances that we will return to work with significant raises and improved working conditions.

What is the difference between a strike and a lockout?
A strike is an action initiated by the union while a lockout is an action initiated by the employer.

What if I have more questions?
There are many questions members will have throughout this process. Stay in touch with your steward, bargaining team member, or union representative throughout this process. The most important factor in winning a strong contract is our power and our solidarity. Staying informed is critical to staying united.

Follow us on the UFCW 324 website (https://ufcw324.org/2024-cvs-updates/); social media and make sure you are on our text message distribution list. If you’re not receiving text messages, contact your union representative to ensure you get added.

Remember: the best way to get the contract you deserve is to show CVS that we’re united and stronger than ever.


August 29, 2024

10 cents

CVS is on a march of dimes while we struggle to afford basic necessities and healthcare

This week, CVS presented us with more insulting wage offers of only ten cents more than their last horrible offer. On day one, fast food workers make $20 an hour. On day 1825, (5 years!), CVS is proposing a store associate still make less than $20 an hour.

CVS made $11 billion in profit last year and paid their shareholders $3.1 BILLION in dividends. If CVS paid their shareholders $3 billion instead of $3.1 billion, they’d have enough left over to pay all their workers a living wage.

We call BULL$H!T on their crappy offer. They can afford to pay their workers more.

It’s clear that CVS has no heart and doesn’t care about their customers or employees. And that’s the message workers and customers gave over the weekend when hundreds of us rallied across California where we made our voices heard at the store and in the media.


We’ve been working for two months with an expired contract and CVS has refused to make us a fair offer. And while we’ve been at the table trying to reach a deal, they’ve been breaking the law by committing numerous unfair labor practices, like unlawful surveillance of workers, retaliation for union activity, and blocking us from talking to our Union Representatives.

That’s why we’re scheduling strike authorization votes in the coming weeks.

It’s time to stand up and make our voices heard by casting our votes and taking a strike vote. We are holding a member webinar on September 9 at 7PM to answer any questions and discuss next steps.

Register here for the CVS member webinar: bit.ly/cvs99webinar7pm

In the meantime, please continue to report to work as usual. Remember, your wages, benefits and contract protections remain intact even though our contract is expired.

If you have any questions about bargaining or the upcoming strike authorization vote, don’t forget to join the CVS member webinar on September 9 at 7PM: bit.ly/cvs99webinar7pm

As always, if there is anything we can help you with, please do not hesitate to reach out to your Steward, Union Rep, or Bargaining Committee Member.

In Solidarity,

Your UFCW CVS Bargaining Committee



10 Centavos

CVS sólo ofrece centavos de aumento mientras batallamos para cubrir necesidades básicas y aseguranza médica

Esta semana, CVS nos presentó ofertas de sueldo insultantes de sólo diez centavos más que su última horrible oferta. El primer día, los trabajadores de comida rápida ganan $20 por hora. En el día 1825, (¡5 años!), CVS está proponiendo que un empleado de tienda siga ganando menos de $20 por hora.

CVS hizo $11 mil millones de dólares de ganancias el año pasado y pagó a sus accionistas $3.1 MIL MILLONES  en dividendos. Si CVS pagara a sus accionistas $3 mil millones de dólares en lugar de $3.1 mil millones, ellos tendrían suficiente dinero de sobra para pagar a todos sus trabajadores un sueldo digno.

¡Decimos que su oferta es una VIL tontería! Ellos tienen recursos para pagar más a sus trabajadores.

Está claro que CVS no tiene corazón y que no se preocupa por sus clientes ni sus empleados. Y ese es el mensaje que los trabajadores y los clientes dieron durante el fin de semana cuando cientos de nosotros nos manifestamos en todo California, donde hicimos oír nuestra voz en la tienda y en los medios de comunicación.


Hemos estado trabajando durante dos meses con un contrato vencido y CVS se ha negado a hacernos una oferta justa. Y mientras hemos estado en la mesa de negociaciones tratando de llegar a un acuerdo, ellos han estado violando la ley al cometer numerosas prácticas laborales injustas, como vigilancia ilegal de trabajadores, represalias por la actividad sindical y el impedimento de que hablemos con nuestros representantes de la unión.

Es por eso que estamos programando votaciones de autorización de huelga en las próximas semanas.

Es hora de luchar y hacer oír nuestras voces, emitiendo nuestros votos para autorizar una huelga. Tendremos un seminario virtual para miembros de CVS el 9 de Septiembre a las 7PM para responder cualquier pregunta y hablar sobre los próximos pasos.

Regístrate aquí para el seminario virtual para miembros de CVS:  bit.ly/cvs99webinar7pm

Mientras tanto, sigue presentándote a trabajar como de costumbre. Recuerda que tu sueldo, tus beneficios y protecciones del contrato permanecen intactos aunque nuestro contrato haya vencido.

Si tienes alguna pregunta sobre las negociaciones o sobre el próximo voto para autorizar huelga, no olvides entrar al seminario virtual para miembros de CVS el 9 de Septiembre a las 7PM, usando este enlace: bit.ly/cvs99webinar7pm

Como siempre, si hay algo en lo que podamos ayudarte, no dudes en comunicarte con tu Delegado, Representante de la Unión o miembro del Comité de Negociaciones.

En solidaridad,

Tu Comité de Negociaciones de UFCW ante CVS.


CVS Workers Stand Together
Thursday, August 29, 2024
Contact: Jenna Thompson, 949.246.1620, jthompson@ufcw324.org

CVS Workers Announce Strike Authorization Votes

Buena Park, CA – Today, the United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Locals 5, 135, 324, 648, 770, 1167, 1428 and 1442, together representing over 7,000 CVS workers across California, released the following statement to announce scheduled strike authorization votes following months of unsuccessful negotiations.

The UFCW CVS Bargaining Committee said the following:

“When we started negotiating with CVS on a new contract in May we came to the table willing to put in the time and work to get it done. But instead of working with us towards a reasonable contract, our employer would rather disrespect us to our faces and offer proposals that grossly underestimate our value and their wealth.

“Everyone deserves a wage that reflects their work and no one deserves to be strong-armed into accepting an offer that is less than what we deserve.

“Moving forward, we will continue to stand together with our fellow UFCW members, our customers, our patients, and our communities as we take this important next step in making our voices heard.”

UFCW’s CVS members will take strike authorization votes next month to authorize their bargaining committee to call for a strike at any time should one become necessary. The results of the votes will be announced after voting ends on September 27, 2024.


The UFCW CVS bargaining committee, made up of members and leaders from all eight UFCW Locals representing CVS workers across California, has been in negotiations with the company since May, trying to reach a tentative contract agreement that gives workers fair wages, safe staffing levels, and affordable health insurance.

Throughout contract negotiations, hundreds of CVS workers, customers, and union members from across the country have taken action by holding rallies, gathering petition signatures, and calling on the company to bargain in good faith and reach a fair and reasonable contract agreement with its workers.

The average CVS clerk makes less than $20 an hour and can’t afford to buy insurance from CVS, a health insurance company. Meanwhile, CVS is one of the most profitable healthcare companies in the country, and made a profit of $11 billion in 2023, and paid its CEO Karen Lynch over $21 million last year. Pharmacy Technicians, who are required to complete an extensive CVS Pharmacy Technician Training Program as well as satisfy all registration, licensing and state certification requirements, currently make only $24.90 an hour after five years.


Trabajadores de CVS Luchando Unidos
Jueves Agosto 29, 2024
CONTACTO: Jenna Thompson, 949.246.1620, jthompson@ufcw324.org

Trabajadores de CVS Anuncian Votaciones para Autorizar Huelga

Buena Park, CA – El día de hoy las uniones del Sindicato de Trabajadores Unidos de la Industria de Alimentos y Comercio (UFCW) Locales 5, 135, 324, 648, 770, 1167, 1428 y 1442, que juntos representan a más de 7,000 empleados de CVS en todo California, dieron a conocer la siguiente declaración para anunciar que han programado una votación para autorizar huelga después de meses de negociaciones infructuosas.

El Comité de Negociaciones de UFCW ante CVS declaró lo siguiente:

“Cuando comenzamos a negociar con CVS un nuevo contrato en mayo, llegamos a la mesa dispuestos a dedicar el tiempo y el trabajo necesarios para lograrlo. Pero en lugar de trabajar con nosotros para lograr un contrato razonable, nuestro empleador prefirió faltarnos el respeto en nuestras propias caras y ofrecer propuestas que subestiman enormemente nuestro valor y su riqueza.

“Todos merecen un salario que refleje su trabajo y nadie merece que lo obliguen a aceptar una oferta que sea menor a la que merece.

“De ahora en adelante, seguiremos unidos con nuestros compañeros miembros de UFCW, nuestros clientes, nuestros pacientes y nuestras comunidades mientras damos este importante siguiente paso para hacer que nuestras voces sean escuchadas”.

Los miembros de UFCW que trabajan en CVS votarán el próximo mes para autorizar la huelga y autorizar a su Comité de Negociaciones a convocar una huelga en cualquier momento si fuera necesario. Los resultados de las votaciones serán anunciados después de que finalice la votación el 27 de septiembre de 2024.


El Comité de Negociaciones de UFCW ante CVS, compuesto por miembros y líderes de los ocho sindicatos locales de UFCW que representan a los trabajadores de CVS en California, ha estado en negociaciones con la empresa desde mayo, tratando de llegar a un acuerdo contractual tentativo que brinde a los trabajadores salarios justos, niveles seguros de personal y seguro médico que pueda ser pagado por los trabajadores.

A lo largo de las negociaciones del contrato, cientos de trabajadores de CVS, clientes y miembros del sindicato de todo el país han tomado medidas organizando manifestaciones, reuniendo firmas de peticiones y pidiendo a la empresa que negocie de buena fe y llegue a un acuerdo de contrato justo y razonable con sus trabajadores.

El empleado promedio de CVS gana menos de $20 por hora y no le alcanza para comprar un seguro de CVS, una compañía de seguros médicos. Mientras tanto, CVS es una de las empresas de atención médica más rentables del país y obtuvo una ganancia de $11 mil millones en 2023, y pagó a su directora ejecutiva, Karen Lynch, más de $21 millones, el año pasado. Los técnicos farmacéuticos, que deben completar un extenso programa de capacitación de técnicos de farmacia de CVS, así como satisfacer todos los requisitos de registro, licencia y certificación estatal, actualmente ganan sólo $24.90 por hora después de cinco años.


August 24, 2024

August 7, 2024

CVS Has No Heart

CVS Wasting Our Time, Does Not Want to Talk About Providing Adequate and Affordable Healthcare or Fair Wage Increases

Today, our Bargaining Committee met again with CVS where once again they wasted our time, refusing to talk about what’s important to us and our families: adequate and affordable healthcare and wages that reflect our vital healthcare role.

CVS is one of the most profitable healthcare companies in the country, yet they won’t negotiate a low-cost healthcare proposal for their employees or pay fair wages. Many of us struggle with the high cost and crappy coverage they offer. It’s so inadequate that many of us rely on family members or Medi-Cal to support our basic healthcare needs – or go without. It’s completely unacceptable for this healthcare company to shift their obligations onto taxpayers.

What’s Next?

We have more bargaining dates scheduled for August 27 and 28, but we’re not going to make progress in bargaining until we show the company how serious we are about our bargaining proposals.

We are planning more actions across the state – stay tuned for details on how you can get involved and ensure we get the contract we deserve – one that provides us fair wages and health care we can afford. As always, if you have any questions about bargaining or if there is anything we can help you with, please do not hesitate to reach out to your Steward, Union Rep, or Bargaining Committee Member.

In Solidarity,

Your UFCW CVS Bargaining Committee

July 15, 2024

Join us at these upcoming actions to show CVS our power:

CVS July Action Calendar

July, 12, 2024

CVS Unwilling to Discuss Important Issues

Workers DEMANDING RESPECT at the table and at the stores in coordinated actions across the state

This week, our Bargaining Committee met again with CVS to negotiate the contract we deserve. We want a contract that  reflects the essential work we do, that helped contribute to CVS’ 11 BILLION dollars in profits last year. We continue to demand respect, but CVS is still playing games and refusing to discuss key issues such as affordable health care.

CVS is one of the most profitable healthcare companies in the country, yet they refuse to negotiate a low-cost healthcare proposal for their employees.

Since day one of bargaining, we gave CVS a comprehensive contract proposal that covered everything – wages, benefits, health care and all language items. Meanwhile, CVS has refused to engage in any meaningful way on our proposals.

What’s Next?

Actions are happening now across the state – get involved.

This week, we stood in solidarity and led store delegations to deliver signed petitions to management, emphasizing the importance of fair pay, benefits, safe staffing levels, and affordable healthcare. We also engaged with customers who supported our fight for safe staffing levels and safer pharmacies.

We have more bargaining dates scheduled for August 7, 26, 27, 28, but we’re not going to make progress in bargaining until we show the company how serious we are about our bargaining proposals.

We are planning more actions, more delegations, and continuing to send the message to the company at the stores, at the table, and on social media that we DEMAND RESPECT.

We will continue to push for the contract we deserve. As always, if you have any questions about bargaining or if there is anything we can help you with, please do not hesitate to reach out to your Steward, Union Rep, or Bargaining Committee Member.

In Solidarity,

Your UFCW CVS Bargaining Committee



Julio 12, 2024

CVS No Está Dispuesta a Discutir Importantes Temas

Trabajadores EXIGEN RESPETO en la mesa de negociaciones y en las tiendas en acciones coordinadas en todo California

Esta semana, nuestro Comité de Negociaciones se reunió nuevamente con CVS para negociar el contrato que merecemos. Queremos un contrato que refleje el trabajo esencial que hacemos, que ayudó a lograr las ganancias de 11 MIL MILLONES de dólares de CVS el año pasado. Seguimos exigiendo respeto, pero CVS sigue jugando y negándose a discutir temas clave como la atención médica asequible.

CVS es una de las empresas de atención de salud más rentables del país, sin embargo se niega a negociar una propuesta de atención médica de bajo costo para sus empleados.

Desde el primer día de negociación, entregamos a CVS una propuesta de contrato integral que cubría todo: salarios, beneficios, atención médica y todos los aspectos de redacción. Mientras tanto, CVS se ha negado a responder de manera significativa en nuestras propuestas.

¿Que sigue?

Se están llevando a cabo acciones en todo el estado: ¡participa!

Esta semana, también nos mantuvimos en solidaridad y encabezamos delegaciones en las tiendas para entregar peticiones firmadas a la gerencia enfatizando la importancia de un salario justo, beneficios, niveles seguros de personal y atención médica accesible. También platicamos con clientes que apoyaron nuestra lucha por niveles de personal seguros y farmacias más seguras.

Tenemos más fechas de negociación programadas para los días 7, 26, 27 y 28 de agosto, pero no vamos a avanzar en las negociaciones hasta que le demostremos a la compañía que hablamos en serio con respecto a nuestras propuestas de negociación.

Estamos planeando más acciones, más delegaciones y seguir mandando un mensaje a la compañía en las tiendas, en la mesa y en las redes sociales de que EXIGIMOS RESPETO.

Seguiremos luchando por el contrato que merecemos. Como siempre, si tienes alguna pregunta sobre la negociación o si hay algo en lo que podamos ayudarte, no dudes en comunicarte con tu delegado, representante de la Unión o miembro del Comité de Negociaciones.

En solidaridad,

Tu Comité de Negociación de UFCW ante CVS.


June 28, 2024

We’ve just concluded another four days of bargaining with CVS. While we have reached agreement on some issues, the company continues to shoot down our reasonable offers for fair wages and affordable health care. 

It is unacceptable that one of the most profitable healthcare companies in the industry, who compensated their CEO over $21 million in 2023, cannot offer decent wages and affordable health care to their employees. THEY ARE A HEALTHCARE COMPANY! We need a fair contract that honors the essential services we supply to our communities. We helped the company earn over $11 billion in profit last year. They can afford to do better!!

And we’ve been taking that message to the stores and to the streets.

Hundreds of CVS workers, supporters, and community leaders from across California participated in simultaneous rallies outside CVS pharmacies in Whittier and San Jose last Saturday. Watch the story on ABC 7 about the Whittier rally here:

We also rallied and got loud in the streets yesterday in Anaheim at a CVS store.

Today at bargaining we delivered thousands of workers’ signatures to the company demanding a contract that provides us a fair wage, safe staffing levels and affordable health care.

We are united and we will not back down. 

What’s Next?

Our contract expires on Sunday, June 30, and the bargaining team has made the strategic decision not to agree to a contract extension because a contract extension would limit our ability to fight for the fair contract we deserve. We are NOT going to stop fighting for the wages and benefits that reflect our vital healthcare role and the staffing and store safety required to improve customers’ shopping experience.

Remember, when a contract expires, it doesn’t mean that our wages, benefits, or protections will end. 

More bargaining dates have been added on July 11 and 12 where we will also be joined by a Federal Mediator, who will serve as a neutral party who can help us ensure that bargaining is productive and fair.

We also began negotiating our Pharmacy contracts this week. We have a bargaining committee of pharmacists from both newly organized stores as well as from stores that have been part of our union for many years ready to fight for what we deserve as healthcare professionals.  

When the company sees us signing petitions, showing up to rallies, and engaging in bargaining, they know that we are determined to stand strong for a fair contract.

As always, if you have any questions about bargaining or if there is anything we can help you with, please do not hesitate to reach out to your Steward, Union Rep, or Bargaining Committee Member.

In Solidarity,

Your UFCW CVS Bargaining Committee

June 21, 2024

Today we concluded our bargaining session with CVS in Hayward, where the company gave us an insulting wage proposal and disrespected us at the table, calling us “unreasonable” for demanding a living wage.

Let us be clear: CVS’ insulting offers and disrespectful treatment will not be tolerated at the table or in the stores.

CVS is a billion dollar company – one of the most profitable in the country – and pays their CEO an exorbitant salary of over $21 million a year –  while we endure near-poverty wages, inadequately expensive healthcare (which is ironic since they are a healthcare company), and unsafe staffing levels that risk our lives on the job.

What’s Next?

Tomorrow, we’re showing up and showing out for what we deserve, rallying across the state with hundreds of our union siblings at 11 am in Whittier, CA, and San Jose, CA, to show a united force of solidarity and strength. We’ll get loud to demand a fair contract that delivers us safe staffing levels and the wages and health benefits needed to raise healthy families. 

If you haven’t already, make a plan to attend and RSVP here:

Whittier: https://bit.ly/CVSrally622 

San Jose: https://bit.ly/CVSrally622SanJose 

When the company sees us showing up to rallies, signing petitions, and engaging in bargaining, they’ll know that we are standing strong for a fair contract.

Our contract expires on June 30, and we’re ready to do what it takes to reach a Tentative Agreement by then.

We return to the bargaining table next week on Tuesday, June 25, and we will continue to push for productive and respectful bargaining sessions that will allow us to negotiate for the contract we deserve. We will not tolerate anything less.

As always, if you have any questions about bargaining or if there is anything we can help you with, please do not hesitate to reach out to your Steward, Union Rep, or Bargaining Committee Member.

In Solidarity,

Your UFCW CVS Bargaining Committee

June 5, 2024

Over three sessions this last week, we met with CVS for our second round of bargaining. At our previous bargaining session on May 23, we asked the company to show up with serious answers to our proposals that would move bargaining forward and allow us to reach an agreement on the fair contract that we deserve.

While we have reached a few agreements on minor issues, the company continues to shoot down our reasonable offers regarding our most important issues like safety and staffing. They refuse to discuss wages and continue to defend their staffing levels and safety training rather than listening to the people who are in the stores every day.

We’ve been clear with CVS: we want to reach a fair agreement by the time our contract expires on June 30. That’s why we gave them all of our proposals on the very first day of bargaining and why we expected them to come prepared to negotiate on the issues that affect our lives.

What’s Next?

We don’t meet with the company until June 20, so right now, it’s critical we send CVS a message loud and clear: We deserve a fair contract that delivers us safe staffing levels and the wages and health benefits needed to raise healthy families by the time our contract expires, and we’re ready to do what it takes to reach a Tentative Agreement by June 30.

That’s why we are rallying on Saturday, June 22, at 11 am in Whittier, Ca, and San Jose, Ca, to show a united force of solidarity and strength so they know we are not going to accept anything less than what we deserve. Make a plan to attend and RSVP here: https://bit.ly/CVSrally622

Your Stewards, Union Reps, and Bargaining Committee members have also been circulating a petition in every one of our stores. Thousands of us have already signed, but if you haven’t had the chance, now is the time to make sure your voice is heard.

When the company sees us showing up to rallies, signing petitions, and engaging in bargaining, they’ll know that we are standing strong for a fair contract.

We will continue to push for productive bargaining sessions that will allow us to negotiate for the contract we deserve. As always, if you have any questions about bargaining or if there is anything we can help you with, please do not hesitate to reach out to your Steward, Union Rep, or Bargaining Committee Member.

In Solidarity,

Your UFCW CVS Bargaining Committee


¡Haz oír tu voz!

Compañero de CVS,

En las tres sesiones de esta última semana, nos reunimos con CVS en nuestra segunda ronda de negociaciones. En nuestra previa sesión de negociaciones del 23 de mayo, pedimos a la compañía presentarse con respuestas serias a nuestras propuestas, que hicieran avanzar las negociaciones y nos permitieran lograr un acuerdo del contrato justo que nos merecemos.

Aunque hemos logrado algunos acuerdos en temas menores, la compañía sigue rechazando nuestras ofertas razonables relacionadas a nuestros temas más importantes como seguridad y suficiente personal. Ellos se niegan a negociar sobre sueldos y continúan defendiendo sus niveles de personal y entrenamiento de seguridad en lugar de escuchar a las personas que están en las tiendas todos los días.

Hemos sido claros con CVS: queremos lograr un contrato justo para la fecha en que vence nuestro contrato el 30 de junio. Por eso les dimos todas nuestras propuestas desde el primer día de negociaciones y la razón por la que esperábamos que ellos llegaran preparados para negociar sobre los temas que afectan nuestras vidas.

¿Qué sigue?

No nos reuniremos con la compañía hasta el 20 de junio, entonces ahorita es crucial que mandemos a CVS un mensaje fuerte y claro:Merecemos un contrato justo que nos de niveles de personal seguros y los salarios y beneficios de salud que necesitamos para mantener a nuestras familias saludables para la fecha que vence nuestro contrato y estamos listos para hacer lo que sea necesario para lograr un Acuerdo Tentativo para el 30 de junio.

Por eso llevaremos  a cabo una manifestación el Sábado 22 de Junio, a las 11am en Whittier y San José para mostrar una fuerza unida de solidaridad y fortaleza para que ellos sepan que no vamos a aceptar nada menos de lo que nos merecemos. Haz planes para asistir y regístrate aquí:

Whittier: https://bit.ly/CVSrally622

Tus Delegados, representantes de la Unión y miembros del Comité de Negociaciones también han estado haciendo circular una petición en cada una de nuestras tiendas. Miles de nosotros ya hemos firmado, pero si no has tenido la oportunidad, ahora es el momento de asegurarte de que se escuche tu voz.

Cuando la compañía nos vea asistiendo a manifestaciones, firmando peticiones y negociando, sabrán que nos mantenemos firmes en favor de un contrato justo.

Continuaremos presionando para lograr sesiones de negociación productivas que nos permitan negociar el contrato que merecemos. Como siempre, si tienes alguna pregunta sobre la negociación o si hay algo en lo que podamos ayudarte, no dudes en comunicarte con tu Delegado, Representante de la Unión o miembro del Comité de Negociaciones.

En Solidaridad,

Tu Comité de Negociaciones de UFCW y CVS


May 31, 2024

May 23, 2024

What happened during our first bargaining session?

On May 23, we met with CVS for our very first day of bargaining. We showed up at the table as a strong, united force of proud, essential CVS members and UFCW union representatives who are ready to fight for the contract we rightfully deserve. We began the bargaining session by presenting all of our proposals, including fair pay and benefits that reflect our essential work, safe staffing levels that prevent theft and burnout, and affordable and comprehensive health benefits to keep us well. 

We made our priorities explicit. We told the company we deserve safe staffing levels and the wages and health benefits needed to raise healthy families. We are demanding a fair contract that respects our essential work that reflects our vital healthcare role and the staffing and store safety required to improve customers’ shopping experience.

CVS refused to give us their economic proposals today and was more concerned about protecting the company than giving us what we deserve.

What’s next?

We will meet again with the company on May 31 for our second round of bargaining. In the meantime, the company will review the proposals we submitted, and we will continue to urge them to come back to the table with serious offers that recognize the value of our work.

Our contract is set to expire on June 30.

When a contract expires, it doesn’t mean that our wages, benefits, or protections will end. However, we will push CVS to reach an agreement with us on the contract we deserve by the day our contract expires.

In order to make a strong contract possible, we must stay united, strong, and engaged. Whether we’re at the bargaining table or in the stores, we have the power to show the company that we’re serious about our proposals and that we’re ready to stand together to get a strong contract.

If you have any questions about bargaining, or if there is anything we can help you with, please do not hesitate to reach out to your Steward, Union Rep, or Bargaining Committee Member.

In Solidarity,

Your UFCW CVS Bargaining Committee

May 20, 2024

Join UFCW Tuesday May 28 at 9AM and 7PM for a webinar regarding our upcoming contract campaign with CVS.

Our contract expires June 30, 2024, and now is the time to stand together to ensure you get the safe staffing levels you deserve and the wages and health benefits you need to raise healthy families.

Register here for the 9AM call ufcw324.org/CVS-0528-9am

Register here for the 7PM call ufcw324.org/CVS-0528-7pm

Fill out this google form ahead of time to let us know what questions you want answered on these webinars: ufcw324.org/CVS-webinar-questions

May 20, 2024