Rick Eiden Labor Leader Scholarship

UFCW Local 324 is encouraging members to apply for our annual Rick Eiden Labor Leader Scholarship!

Rick Eiden was the son of a Local Union president from Wisconsin and joined Local 324 in 1991. He became a pioneer within the labor movement in his capacities as the Local’s first Organizing Director, eventually becoming 324’s first Executive Vice President. His revolutionary approaches to organizing turned the Local’s organizing department into somewhat of a training center where organizers followed his methods that strengthened the power of Organized Labor.

Local 324 President Andrea Zinder has characterized Rick Eiden as passionate and hardworking. Eiden was a tenacious labor leader for working families, and it is in his honor that we extend this scholarship opportunity to our members and their eligible dependents.

Who can apply? All active Local 324 members (employed for one-year or more) attending college part-time, and their dependents who are attending college full-time.


  • Write a 500 word or less essay on the relevance of the Labor Movement today.
  • Please include:
    • Member’s name and applicant’s name and relationship to member,
    • Member’s work location (store and store number)
    • The last four digits of the member’s Social Security Number
    • Current mailing address and a contact phone number
    • Name of college being attended


Applications are accepted beginning May 1. Submit to “The Scholarship Department” UFCW Local 324, 8530 Stanton Avenue, PO Box 5004, Buena Park, CA, 90680 or email your submission to Jenn Araujo at CLICK TO EMAIL


  • 1st Place = $2,500
  • 2nd Place = $1,000
  • 3rd Place = $1,000

Deadline:  August 31

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