Planned Parenthood Negotiations Updates 2024

August 21, 2024

After two years of fighting to have our voice heard we finally had our first bargaining session with Planned Parenthood today! We began the session by presenting all of our proposals, including fair wages that reflect our vital healthcare role, staffing levels, benefits, and policies and procedures to keep us and our patients safe.

There is still a lot of work to be done and this process takes time, and we understand that not all proposals we came with today will be agreed upon, but we’re optimistic Planned Parenthood is open to negotiating with us to get a contract that we deserve. 

We will meet again with the company on September 13 and 23 and October 21, 2014, for our second round of bargaining. Between now and then, Planned Parenthood will consider the proposals we made and we have asked them to return to us with a thoughtful response.

Stay tuned for actions you can take to ensure we get the contract we deserve and follow us on social media to keep up with everything happening with our fight for a first contract: 

 In solidarity,

Your Planned Parenthood Bargaining Committee