Rancho Federal Credit Union
the locals and management continue to meet to discuss proposals for your new contract. Discussions have been productive as we move toward a new contract.
From the Earth
We have had several discussions with management and are hopeful that we can have an agreement that all of the employees of From the Earth cannabis dispensary in Santa Ana […]
Red Shell
The locals have met with management and exchanged proposals. We will keep you appraised as further information becomes available.
Working off the clock may cost you your job
As union Reps, we constantly lecture and warn our members’ not to work off the clock. The term “work off the clock” simply means that you are working for free. Working off the clock is
Relief Periods (Breaks)
It is very important to follow the rules established by your employer when taking your breaks. Your contract spells out exactly the time that you are allowed to take, depending on
How seniority works
As most of you have heard by either watching the news or reading the local paper, a major food employer, Albertsons, is laying off workers again. This is the second layoff in just the
Knowing your rights in case of a work related injury
Work place injuries in a Retail Food Industry are common and range from a small cut requiring a Band-Aid to something very serious requiring hospitalization and even surgery.
Forced Vacations
We have seen an increase number of companies requiring our members to schedule and take all earned vacations. Evan though it is a good idea to take all the vacation that you have