2024 Disney Contract Campaign Updates

July 29, 2024

Our Disney Contracts Have Been Ratified!

Our new three-year contract agreements with Disney have officially been ratified. Thank you for taking the time to vote and ensuring your voice was heard.

Because of our solidarity and commitment to fighting for the contract we all deserve, our historic new contracts include: 

  • A three-year contract! 
  • The biggest wage increases ever! Most cast members will be receiving $6.10 over three years!
  • Minimum base wage rate of $24 in 2024 (or more for some classifications)
  • Historic longevity increases for senior cast members
  • Attendance policy and sick leave improvements that give cast members more opportunities to attend to personal issues without fearing discipline
  • New premiums for cast members

This victory is a direct result of us showcasing our power at the bargaining table and in the parks. 

Every meeting we attended, rally we participated in, petition we signed, and button we wore forced Disney to recognize our power and enabled us to reach this historic agreement. The solidarity and record participation we achieved in this fight means we are that much stronger for our next contract campaign. And that campaign starts now.

Look at what we have accomplished this year, and imagine what we can do when we have three years to get even stronger before we come back to the bargaining table and sit across from Disney. We are absolutely stronger together, so continue to stay engaged with your stewards, fellow cast members and your union. 

If you have any questions about the new contracts, please do not hesitate to reach out to your stewards, union representatives, or bargaining committee members. 

In Solidarity, 

Your Disney Workers Rising Bargaining Committee

Disney Workers Rising


July 29, 2024


(SEIU-USWW) Sebastian Silva, 619.754.3350, sebastian.silva@seiu-usww.org 

(SEIU-USWW) Maria Elena Jauregui, Spanish-language, 818.355.5291

Disney Cast Members Ratify Historic Contract Agreements

Anaheim, CA – Today the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers (BCTGM) Local 83, SEIU-United Service Workers West (SEIU-USWW), Teamsters Local 495, and the United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Local 324, together representing 14,000 cast members at Disneyland, Disney California Adventure, Downtown Disney and the Disney hotels, announced that Disney cast members have voted to ratify new three-year contracts with Disney. The historic contracts were reached after months of thousands cast members standing up for what they deserve. 

The Disney Workers Rising Bargaining Committee released the following statement:

“By ratifying these contracts, Disney cast members have secured historic raises and policies and protections that reflect their role as magic makers in the Disney parks. For months hard-working cast members have stood together at the bargaining table and in the parks to ensure Disney recognized what they bring to the theme park experience, and these contracts are a concrete and direct result of this tireless work. 

“Together by wearing buttons, attending rallies and telling their stories to the public, cast members fought for a more promising future for themselves, their fellow cast members, and their families. These contracts are historic for Disney cast members and we’re pleased cast members’ lives will improve as a result.”

Key provisions of the agreements include:

    • A three-year contract! 
    • The biggest wage increases ever! Most cast members will be receiving $6.10 over three years!
      • Minimum base wage rate of $24 in 2024 (or more for some classifications)
    • Historic longevity increases for senior cast members
    • Attendance policy and sick leave improvements that give cast members more opportunities to attend to personal issues without fearing discipline
  • New premiums for cast members 

The contracts at Disneyland and Disney California Adventure/Downtown Disney will go into effect immediately upon ratification. 


Workers of Disney’s largest bargaining unit in California – representing a diverse set of classifications from custodians and ride operators to candy makers and merchandise clerks – entered into negotiations with the company on April 24, 2024, and were fighting for fair wages, a fair attendance policy, seniority increases, and safe parks for cast members and guests.

The contract for cast members at Disneyland expired June 16, 2024. The contract for Disney California Adventure and Downtown Disney cast members expires September 30, 2024.

 # # #

July 24, 2024

Breaking Alert: Tentative Agreement Reached on our Disney Contracts

We have reached a tentative agreement with Disney. We have fought hard for the past four months and this tentative agreement would not have been possible without the strength we showed this past week with our rally and Unfair Labor Practice vote. 

We achieved our goals – a three-year contract that contains significant wage increases for all cast members, seniority increases and the retention of premiums. We also addressed issues that will make the attendance policy work better for cast members.

With personal actions like wearing our union button and signing a petition to massive 1,000-person rallies and worldwide news coverage, we have shown Disney that we are the true magic makers of the park. We stood up to the company’s unfair labor practices and showed them that we were willing to do whatever it took to get the contract we deserved. 

Our solidarity and victory today sends a message to workers everywhere – when we fight, we win. 

Next Steps

Remember, this is a tentative agreement. It is not final until you vote to accept it. We believe this three-year agreement meets our needs and delivers us the wages, seniority increases, premiums, and protections we deserve, but nothing is final until we all have a chance to review the offer and vote on it.

We will vote the tentative agreement on Monday July 29, 2024 from 6:30AM – 8PM on site at Disney. The exact location is to be determined.

In Solidarity, 

Your Disney Workers Rising Bargaining Committee

Disney Workers Rising


July 24, 2024


(UFCW 324) Jenna Thompson, 949.246.1620, jthompson@ufcw324.org 

Disney Cast Members Reach Tentative Agreement

Anaheim, CA – Today the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers (BCTGM) Local 83, SEIU-United Service Workers West (SEIU-USWW), Teamsters Local 495, and the United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Local 324, together representing 14,000 cast members at Disneyland, Disney California Adventure, Downtown Disney and the Disney hotels, announced they have reached a tentative agreement with Disney. 

The Disney Workers Rising Bargaining Committee said the following: 

“We are proud to announce we have reached a tentative agreement with Disney that we will recommend to our fellow cast members. Cast members have fought hard for the past four months and this tentative agreement would not have been possible without the strength we all showed throughout this process and the unwavering support from guests and community members.

“We have shown Disney that we are the true magic makers of the park and today proves that when workers stand together for what they deserve, we win. We look forward to making our voices heard during the voting process to ratify this contract.”

Further details of the tentative agreement will be shared exclusively with cast members before the vote on Monday July 29, 2024. Vote results and further information on the contract will be shared with the public after cast members have had a chance to review and vote on their contract.


Workers of Disney’s largest bargaining unit in California – representing a diverse set of classifications from custodians and ride operators to candy makers and merchandise clerks – entered into negotiations with the company on April 24, 2024, and were fighting for fair wages, a fair attendance policy, seniority increases, and safe parks for cast members and guests.

The contract for cast members at Disneyland expired June 16, 2024. The contract for Disney California Adventure and Downtown Disney cast members expires September 30, 2024.

 # # #

July 19, 2024


Today Disneyland Park cast members made their voices heard by voting to authorize the Disney Workers Rising bargaining committee to call for a strike to protest unfair labor practices by 99%. We stood up and showed Disney that we won’t sit by and allow them to intimidate, surveil and unlawfully discipline cast members for exercising their rights.


This does not mean we are on strike. This vote simply allows us to take action if Disney continues to silence cast members and prevent us from getting the contract we deserve.

A strike is always a last resort, and we have committed to return to the bargaining table Monday and Tuesday prepared to bargain in good faith. 

You will always be the first to know if we are taking action. There are many ways we can stand up for our rights, and there will be opportunities to attend actions, member meetings, calls, or trainings, where we can ask questions and feel confident about taking action together.

And if Disney forces us to strike, we will have strike funds available to support us. 

AGAIN: DO NOT WALK OUT UNTIL YOUR UNION NOTIFIES YOU. If you walk out before that, you can be disciplined and/or fired.

If you have questions about a strike and your rights, visit this link to get them answered: https://ufcw324.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Disneyland-ULP-FAQs-FINAL.pdf    


All of us have shown incredible strength so far, and we’ve got the law, our fellow cast members and our guests on our side. Our rally on Wednesday was amazing with over 1,000 cast members and community supporters showing up and absolutely making our presence known. 

Which is why Disney has been doing everything they can to try and stop us from fighting for what we deserve. But if they thought cast members could be scared away from standing up for our rights, they found out tonight that they are very, very wrong. 

We are set to meet with Disney again on Monday July 22 and Tuesday July 23, 2024. We have given the company more than enough time to do the right thing. If Disney is not prepared to agree to the offer you deserve after two more days of bargaining, we will move forward with the actions we need to take and that you have overwhelmingly voiced your support for. 

Stay in touch with your union representatives and bargaining committee members and follow us on our social media accounts @DisneyWorkersRising on Facebook and Instagram (it’s @DisneyRising24 on twitter). 

In Solidarity,

Your Disney Workers Rising Bargaining Committee

July 17, 2024

Disney Workers Rising

(UFCW 324) Jenna Thompson, 949.246.1620, jthompson@ufcw324.org 
(SEIU-USWW) Sebastian Silva, 619.754.3350, sebastian.silva@seiu-usww.org 
(SEIU-USWW) Maria Elena Jauregui, Spanish-language, 818.355.5291

Over 1,000 Disney Cast Members Rally Outside Disneyland Main Entrance Ahead of ULP Strike Authorization Vote

Strike Authorization Vote To Be Held Two Days Later Following Unfair Labor Practice Charges Alleging Hundreds of Instances of Unlawful Conduct by Disney During Contract Negotiations

Pictures/Videos of the rally can be found here:  Disney Rally 7.17.24

Anaheim, CA – On Wednesday, July 17, 2024, over 1,000 cast members represented by the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers (BCTGM) Local 83, SEIU-United Service Workers West (SEIU-USWW), Teamsters Local 495 and the United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Local 324, rallied outside the main entrance to Disneyland Resort two days prior to holding a vote to authorize an Unfair Labor Practice strike.  The strike authorization vote follows unfair labor practices alleging over 650 labor violations by Disney throughout negotiations that have interfered with the Unions getting the fair contract cast members deserve.

“Cast members are scared of being retaliated against by Disney for their union activity and that’s preventing us from getting a contract that pays us living wages,” said Ginny Cristales, a retail cast member at the Emporium/Candy Palace. “This rally today, on Disneyland’s birthday, shows Disney that even though we’re scared, we’re going to stand up and do what it takes. We make the magic happen. We are why Disneyland can celebrate its birthday today. And we need a fair contract that respects us and our work.”

The 14,000 workers of Disney’s largest bargaining unit in California – represent a diverse set of classifications from custodians and ride operators to candy makers and merchandise clerks – entered into negotiations with the company on April 24, 2024, and are fighting for fair wages, a fair attendance policy, seniority increases and safe parks for cast members and guests.

“Union members at Disneyland create the magic every day. These workers deserve fair treatment,” said Damascus Castellanos, Secretary-Treasurer of Local 495. “Disney is a corporation with a market cap of over $174 billion. There is no justification, other than pure greed, to deny these workers fair pay and good working conditions.”

In June, Disney cast members announced that they filed unfair labor practice charges against Disney on behalf of 14,000 workers at the resort for unlawful discipline, intimidation and surveillance of union members exercising their right to wear union buttons at work. The charges relate to over 675 cast members whom the Unions maintain have been intimidated, surveilled and disciplined for wearing union buttons in support of their contract campaign. The charges are currently being investigated by the National Labor Relations Board.

“We’re 400 Disney cast members rising up today to show Disney that we deserve better from this company,” said Dee Dee Miranda, a candy maker at Disneyland and member of bargaining committee. “We’re make the magic for guests. We are the ones to provide them with a once in a lifetime experience. It’s time for Disney to value what we do.”

While Disneyland brands itself as “The Happiest Place on Earth” the reality for park employees is largely one of economic hardship. According to a survey, 73% of the cast members that make these profits possible report they do not earn enough money to cover basic expenses each month. A separate survey of cast members this year found that:

  • Nearly three in 10 cast members (28%) report experiencing food insecurity
  • 64% of cast members are “rent burdened” or spending more than half of their monthly paychecks on rent
  • 33% of cast members experienced housing insecurity in the past year
  • 42% of cast members had to miss work for medical treatment because they didn’t have enough sick leave

“We are standing together today to demand jobs with dignity and livable wages,” said Corina Ortega, Disneyland custodian, shop steward and bargaining committee member.  “We, the essential workers at Disney, are the true Magic makers — not the corporate executives. It’s unjust that the lowest-paid cast member would have to work 550 years straight without a day off to make what Disney CEO Bob Iger makes in one year. We’re fighting to ensure the ‘Happiest Place on Earth’ pays livable wages and treats workers fairly, so that this job doesn’t become a nightmare. Cast members are not afraid to stand up and demand what is just because we are stronger together.”

The contract for cast members at Disneyland expired June 16, 2024. The contract for Disney California Adventure and Downtown Disney cast members expires September 30, 2024.

The results of the Unfair Labor Practice strike authorization vote are expected to be announced by July 20 after voting ends and the Unions have notified cast members.


July 12, 2024

Disney Strike Vote 14 (1)

Disneyland members, view answers to your frequently asked questions about the strike vote here: Disneyland ULP FAQs FINAL

July 9, 2024

Disney Workers Rising

July 9, 2024
Contact: Jenna Thompson, 949.246.1620, jthompson@ufcw324.org 
(SEIU-USWW) Sebastian Silva, 619.754.3350, sebastian.silva@seiu-usww.org
(SEIU-USWW) Maria Elena Jauregui, Spanish-language, 818.355.5291

Disney Cast Members Announce Strike Authorization Vote

Strike Authorization Vote To Be Held Next Week Following Unfair Labor Practice Charges Alleging Hundreds of Instances of Unlawful Conduct by Disney During Contract Negotiations

Anaheim, CA – Today, the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers (BCTGM) Local 83, the Service Employees International Union-United Service Workers West (SEIU-USWW), the Teamsters Local 495 and the United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Local 324, together representing 14,000 cast members at Disneyland, Disney California Adventure, Downtown Disney and the Disney hotels, released the following statement to announce a scheduled strike authorization vote for Disneyland cast members. The strike authorization vote follows unfair labor practices alleging hundreds of labor violations by Disney throughout negotiations that have interfered with the Unions getting the fair contract cast members deserve.

The Disney Workers Rising Bargaining Committee said the following:

“Our goal for negotiations has always been to reach an agreement with Disney — one that provides cast members with wages they need to live in Southern California, the respect they deserve for the years they’ve dedicated to the company and an attendance policy that works for everyone while keeping park guests safe.

“But instead of working with us toward a fair contract, Disney has engaged in multiple instances of conduct we allege are unfair labor practices, including unlawful discipline and intimidation and surveillance of union members exercising their right to wear union buttons at work. We know these actions are only an attempt to stop us from exercising our rights and saddle us with a contract that perpetuates the status quo at Disney.

“We won’t accept less than what we deserve because we know our value to Disney. The theme parks’ profits come from our hard work making a trip to Disneyland a magical experience for guests. By undermining our rights, Disney has only made harder our fight to help our guests and keep our parks safe, which is why we are compelled to take a vote next week on whether to authorize a strike after our contract expired. With this strike authorization vote, we will ensure Disney hears Disneyland’s cast members’ voices.”


Workers of Disney’s largest bargaining unit in California – representing a diverse set of classifications from custodians and ride operators to candy makers and merchandise clerks – entered into negotiations with the company on April 24, 2024, and are fighting for fair wages, a fair attendance policy, seniority increases and safe parks for cast members and guests.

In May, Disney cast members announced that they filed unfair labor practice charges against Disney on behalf of 14,000 workers at the resort for unlawful discipline, intimidation and surveillance of union members exercising their right to wear union buttons at work. The charges relate to over 675 cast members whom the Unions maintain have been intimidated, surveilled and disciplined for wearing union buttons in support of their contract campaign. The charges are currently being investigated by the National Labor Relations Board.

While Disneyland brands itself as “The Happiest Place on Earth” the reality for park employees is largely one of economic hardship. According to a survey, 73% of the cast members that make these profits possible report they do not earn enough money to cover basic expenses each month. A separate survey of cast members this year found that:

  • Nearly three in 10 cast members (28%) report experiencing food insecurity
  • 64% of cast members are “rent burdened” or spending more than half of their monthly paychecks on rent
  • 33% of cast members experienced housing insecurity in the past year
  • 42% of cast members had to miss work for medical treatment because they didn’t have enough sick leave

The contract for cast members at Disneyland expired June 16, 2024. The contract for Disney California Adventure and Downtown Disney cast members expires September 30, 2024.

The results of the strike authorization vote are expected to be announced by July 20 after voting ends and the Unions have notified cast members.


July 9, 2024

Dear Disney Cast Member, 

Nothing happened yesterday at bargaining. Absolutely nothing. 

So how can we get the contract we deserve without Disney’s cooperation?

Our goal for negotiations has always been to reach an agreement with Disney. One that provides cast members with wages they need to live in Southern California, the respect they deserve for the years they’ve dedicated to the company and an attendance policy that works for everyone while keeping park guests safe. 

But instead of working with us towards a fair contract, Disney has been breaking the law by unlawfully disciplining cast members and intimidating and surveilling union members exercising their right to wear union buttons at work.

It’s time to hold an unfair labor practice strike authorization vote for Disneyland Cast Members next week.

We won’t accept less than what we deserve because we know our value to Disney. The theme parks’ profits come from our hard work making a trip to Disneyland a magical experience for guests. And by violating our rights, Disney has made our fight to help our guests and keep our parks safe harder, which is why we’ve been forced to take a strike authorization vote next week. 

It is time to stand up and make our voices heard by casting our votes and telling Disney to stop committing unfair labor practices and ensure Disney hears Disneyland’s cast members’ voices. Please keep an eye out on these same accounts for more information on when/where to vote.

We’re holding two update webinars on Thursday July 11, 2024 where you can learn more about the strike authorization vote and get your questions answered so you can make an informed decision. Register for the calls here:

9AM July 11: https://bit.ly/DisneyUpdateWebinar711AM 

7PM July 11: https://bit.ly/DisneyUpdateWebinar711PM 

We’ll update you on next steps after July 19th once Disneyland cast members have had a chance to cast their votes. In the meantime, please continue to report to work as usual. 

We need every cast member to come out on July 17 from 4-6PM for our rally and bring your friends and family members. We want to pack Harbor Blvd with cast members and supporters to show Disney we’re serious. RSVP here: https://bit.ly/DisneyRally717RSVP 

Make sure you sign the cast member petition demanding Disney respect you with the fair wages and seniority increases you deserve and an attendance policy that works for all cast members. Sign here: http://bit.ly/DisneyCastMemberPetition 

If you have any questions about bargaining, please do not hesitate to reach out to your stewards, union representatives, or bargaining committee members. 

In Solidarity,

Your Disney Workers Rising Bargaining Committee

June 27, 2024

What Happened Today?

We met with the company for another day of bargaining, where we have made some progress on language issues, but are still very far apart on issues like wages for everyone, longevity and premiums. Disney believes that they’ve proposed a “gracious” offer for cast members, but it does nothing to compensate us for our loyalty, hard work and the profits we make for the company. 

What’s Next?

We will meet again with the company on July 8, 2024, for another day of bargaining where the federal mediator will join us. Right now, it’s imperative that Disney knows we’re ready and willing to do what it takes to get the contract we deserve. Join us at all of our actions, post on social media, and continue being creative in the parks with our fight. Disney is feeling the pressure, and we have to keep it up. 

We have our button action Monday July 1, 2024, at 8:00AM. Join us on Harbor and Disney Way to pass out our fist buttons to guests. We’ll also be asking them to sign a petition supporting us as magic makers of the resort and our fight. RSVP for the action here: https://bit.ly/disneybuttons0701

Save the date for another action July 17, 2024 (Disneyland’s birthday!) More details will be announced soon!

Make sure you sign the cast member petition demanding Disney respect you with the fair wages and seniority increases you deserve and an attendance policy that works for all cast members. Sign here: bit.ly/DisneyCastMemberPetition

Have all of your friends, family members and guests you interact with sign the petition supporting our fight here: https://bit.ly/ISupportDisneyCastMembers

If you have any questions about bargaining, please do not hesitate to reach out to your stewards, union representatives, or bargaining committee members. 

In Solidarity,

Your Disney Workers Rising Bargaining Committee

June 14, 2024

What Happened Today?

We have just completed our ninth session of negotiations with Disney, and we continue to adamantly express to the company that they need to get serious about their economic proposals.

Once again, Disney has only increased their meager offer by $.25 and continues to refuse to recognize senior cast employees with increases that honor your dedication and loyalty. Disney also continues to take credit for Disney resort workers’ fight for Measure L. 

We are continuing to stand strong for the important issues that matter to you and your fellow cast members. We know that you deserve more from Disney and we will continue to fight until they listen to us.

It’s clear from Disney’s actions at the bargaining table that they will not offer serious proposals until we show how united and strong we are at every single action, event or meeting happening. Everyone needs to come out and show Disney that they can’t bully us and commit unfair labor practices without consequences.  

What’s Next?

The contract for Disneyland expires Sunday June 16, 2024. The bargaining team has made the strategic decision that we will not agree to a contract extension because a contract extension would limit our ability to fight for the fair contract you deserve. 

Remember that when a contract expires, our current wages, benefits, and protections don’t change. We should report to work as usual while we continue to fight for the new contract we deserve. The contract for Disney California Adventure, Downtown Disney and the Hotel Stores is still in effect until September 30, 2024.

We will meet again with the company on June 27, 2024, for another day of bargaining, but now more than ever, we have to ensure Disney knows we’re going to do whatever it takes to get the contract we deserve. We must keep raising the pressure on Disney with every action we take by remaining united and strong. 

We have our balloon action Monday June 17, 2024, at 7:30AM. Join us on Harbor and Disney Way to pass out balloons to guests to ensure they know Disney’s full of hot air with their proposals. We’ll also be asking them to sign a petition supporting us as magic makers of the resort and our fight.

Later that week we will be passing out petitions for cast members to sign that demand Disney respect you with the fair wages and seniority increases you deserve and an attendance policy that works for all cast members.

Lastly, save the date for another action July 1, 2024! More details will be announced soon!

If you have any questions about bargaining, please do not hesitate to reach out to your stewards, union representatives, or bargaining committee members. 

In Solidarity,

Your Disney Workers Rising Bargaining Committee

June 4, 2024

We just got finished with our latest bargaining session with Disney and we are still very far apart on the issues important to you. The Disney Workers Rising Bargaining Committee presented the company with a modified wage proposal that shows that we are working to get a deal that works for you and asked the company that they return next week on June 12 and 14 with a serious answer. 

Continue to show your unity by wearing the union buttons, temporary tattoos and stickers. If you haven’t been personally told to not wear your union button on stage as part of your costume, do so until you’re specifically told to take it off. 

With two bargaining sessions left next week, and our contract expiring 6/16, we’re preparing to ramp up our fight. Make sure to join us on Monday June 10, 2024 for two update webinars where you can learn more about what is happening at the bargaining table and our plans for a future action. Register for the calls here:

9AM June 10: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_CwjoVpovTHCmo1pP_hvqrg

7PM June 10: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_xRFi6rw5QDKvV0wGuWrfvw 

If you have any questions about bargaining, please do not hesitate to reach out to your stewards, union representatives, or bargaining committee members. 

In Solidarity,

Your Disney Workers Rising Bargaining Committee

May 24, 2024

Dear Disney cast member,

We are less than one month until the Disneyland contract is set to expire, and we spent the day meeting with Disney on a contract that provides you the dignity and respect you deserve. Today, with only three bargaining dates left until contract expiration, the company finally handed us their initial wage offer. This insulting offer fails to address our concerns and deliver us the wages we deserve as the magic makers for the resort.

Under the company’s wage proposal:  

  • Cast members would receive on average less than a dollar per year increase for five years
  • Our loyalty and longevity would be rewarded with only a 25 cent increase only for those who have worked for Disney for 20 years or more
  • They are unwilling to increase any premiums

Their wage proposal also tries to take credit for Disney resort workers’ fight for Measure L, which Disney proceeded to fight tooth and nail for years. They sat across from us at the bargaining table and said to our faces today that cast members would receive up to a 40% increase in wages over five years, but the truth behind their words is that we would receive less than 3% over Measure L’s living wage rate. 

We made it very clear – we will not accept inadequate increases when the cost of our groceries, our gas, our rent, and our childcare has increased dramatically since our last contract. So has Disney’s revenue only because of our hard work at the theme parks. They’re even planning a $1.9 billion expansion project for Disneyland. 

These proposed increases come nowhere near what we need to live in Southern California and raise a family.

What’s even more insulting is that they want to lock us into a five year contract without any opportunity to bargain for wage increases or better working conditions. Think about the last five years, where we have dealt with a pandemic and years of record inflation.  

How can we get the contract we deserve?

We will meet again with the company on June 4, 2024, for another day of bargaining, but now more than ever, we have to ensure Disney knows we’re going to do whatever it takes to get the contract we deserve. We must keep fighting by remaining united and strong. 

More union buttons are being passed out in the parks as you read this and now they’re being supplemented with temporary tattoos and stickers. If you haven’t been personally told to not wear your union button on stage as part of your costume, do so until you’re specifically told to take it off. 

We’ve also seen everyone’s creativity in our fight. From printing your own stickers, to changing your profile pictures to our fist, Disney is for sure receiving our message. Continue to help show your solidarity with the campaign and tell Disney we’re united as a 13,000 member strong group and demanding a fair contract that values the magic we make for guests and the money we bring into the company.

Make sure to join us on Monday June 10, 2024 for two update webinars where you can learn more about what is happening at the bargaining table. Register for the calls here:

9AM June 10: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_CwjoVpovTHCmo1pP_hvqrg

7PM June 10: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_xRFi6rw5QDKvV0wGuWrfvw 

If you have any questions about bargaining, please do not hesitate to reach out to your stewards, union representatives, or bargaining committee members. 

In Solidarity,

Your Disney Workers Rising Bargaining Committee

May 17, 2024

Dear cast members,

We are less than one month away from our contract expiring with Disney, and we have spent two days this week meeting with the company to get the contract we deserve, but Disney is not agreeing to meaningful changes on the issues we know are priorities to you like the attendance policy. We’ve been clear, the attendance policy does not meet the needs of all cast members and it has to change. 

In order to begin to make some movement on your key issues, we have asked Disney to come to the next bargaining session on May 24, 2024 with a wage proposal

What can you do?

We will meet again with the company on May 24th for another day of bargaining, but to ensure Disney knows we’re going to do whatever it takes to get the contract we deserve, we have to keep fighting while remaining united and strong. 

We began passing out buttons in the parks this week to show your solidarity with the campaign and show Disney you’re willing to fight back to ensure you get a good contract. The response to the buttons was overwhelmingly positive and more buttons are on the way. We will be passing them out at the parks as soon as we can!

If you haven’t been personally told to not wear your union button on stage as part of your costume, do so until you’re specifically told to take it off. This shows Disney you’re rising up to demand a fair contract that values the magic we make for guests and the money we bring into the company.

We are also planning some upcoming actions to further show Disney we mean business. Stay tuned for information about those events.

If you have any questions about bargaining, please do not hesitate to reach out to your stewards, union representatives, or bargaining committee members.

In Solidarity,

Your Disney Workers Rising Bargaining Committee

April 30, 2024

What happened today?

During our first bargaining sessions with Disney last week, we formed a subcommittee to focus solely on the attendance policy. Today that subcomittee met with the company and provided them with the issues in the attendance policy that are unfair and detrimental to cast members’ well being. 

Disney responded with a little movement today, but did not adequately address our main issues with the policy. They continue to maintain that the policy is fair and generous to cast members. 

What can you do?

We will meet again with the company on May 15th for another day of bargaining. Right now it’s critical to show the company that we’re united and strong. Make sure to join us May 7, 2024 at 7PM for a Zoom call where we’ll go more in-depth about what is happening during negotiations and what you can do to show Disney you’re rising up to demand a fair contract that values the magic we make for guests and the money we bring into the company.

Register for the call here: bit.ly/DisneyUpdateWebinar57

If you have any questions about bargaining, please do not hesitate to reach out to your stewards, union representatives, or bargaining committee members.

In Solidarity,

Your Disney Workers Rising Bargaining Committee

April 26, 2024

On April 24th and 26th, we met with Disney for our very first round of bargaining. We showed up as a strong, united force of proud cast members and union representatives from the Candy Makers (BCTGM), SEIU-USWW, the Teamsters Local 495 and UFCW Local 324, ready to get the contract we deserve. We began the bargaining session by presenting all of our proposals, including higher wages, changes to the attendance policy and stronger seniority language.

Disney has not indicated any interest in the proposals we have suggested, instead seeking to remove your current rights under the contract. 

What’s next?

We will meet again with the company on April 30th for another day of bargaining. Between now and then, the company will consider the proposals we made.

Whether we’re at the bargaining table or in the parks, we have the power to show the company that we’re serious about our proposals and that we’re ready to stand together to get a strong contract that values the magic we make for guests and the money we bring into the company.

Make sure to join us May 7, 2024 at 7PM for a Zoom call where we’ll go more in-depth about what is happening during negotiations and what you can do to show Disney you’re rising up to demand a fair contract.

Register for the call here: bit.ly/DisneyUpdateWebinar57

If you have any questions about bargaining, please do not hesitate to reach out to your stewards, union representatives, or bargaining committee members.

In Solidarity,

Your Disney Workers Rising Bargaining Committee

Watch a short video from your committee here:

April, 22, 2024

Meet your Bargaining Committee


April, 16, 2024

April 16, 2024

(UFCW) Jenna Thompson, 949.246.1620, jthompson@ufcw324.org
(SEIU-USWW) Sebastian Silva, 619-754-3350, sebastian.silva@seiu-usww.org
(SEIU-USWW) Maria Elena Jauregui, Spanish-language, 818-355-5291

Disney Cast Members: “We’re Ready to Start Our Hot Labor Summer!” 

“We Make the Profits Possible. Pay Us What We Deserve.”

13,000 Disney Cast Members Launch 2024 Contract Campaign Ahead of First Bargaining Session Next Week

Pictures/Videos Available here

View the livestream of this event here

Anaheim, CA – While Disneyland brands itself as “The Happiest Place on Earth” the reality for park employees is one of economic hardship. Like the Teamsters at UPS to the Screen Actors and Writers Guilds who secured historic victories against powerful corporations last summer, so too are Disney workers ready to demand their fair share of economic profits. Disney’s largest bargaining unit of workers in California – composed of custodians and ride operators to candy makers and merchandise clerks – is preparing to enter into negotiations with the company. On Tuesday, over 50 cast members at Disneyland and Disney California Adventure launched their 2024 contract campaign ahead of their first bargaining session the following week.

“Cast members from throughout the Disney Resort are picking up the torch that workers across the country lit last year. It’s now Disney’s cast members’ turn to have a hot labor summer,” said Andrea Zinder, president, United Food and Commercial Workers Local 324. “Cast members are the face of the company and make the magic for guests when they visit the Disney resort and deserve to be fairly compensated. They’re the reason Disney’s revenue continues to grow, so it’s time for Disney to step up and respect their cast members who make the happiest place on earth what it is.”

Disney’s revenue continues to grow because of its theme parks, and they’re even planning a $1.9 billion expansion project for Disneyland. However, the cast members that make these profits possible report that 73% of them do not earn enough money to cover basic expenses each month. A survey of cast members this year found that:

  • Nearly three in 10 cast members (28%) report experiencing food insecurity
  • 64% of cast members are “rent burdened” or spending more than half of their monthly paychecks on rent
  • 33% of cast members experienced housing insecurity in the past year
  • 42% of cast members had to miss work for medical treatment because they didn’t have enough sick leave

Disney workers are standing up to demand the company properly compensate the workers who generate historic profits in the theme parks.

“We want to remind the company in these negotiations of the longevity and dedication of its cast members,” said Aaron Zarate, who works at the Stage 17 Kitchen and is a member of BCTGM. “Many of us including myself have been working here since before the pandemic shutdown. And there are tons of cast members that have given this company decades of service. It’s time for Disney to acknowledge the dedication of its ‘magic makers’ and compensate them accordingly!”

I’ve been a cast member for over 25 years, and while I love my job, love alone doesn’t pay my bills or my rent,” said Hector Ojeda, who works in Entertainment Costuming and is a member of SEIU-USWW. “Everything has become more expensive and the working conditions have become tougher. That’s why we’re ready to fight for a strong contract that pays cast members what we deserve so we can continue to create the magic and guest experience that makes Disney one of the richest companies in the world. We make the magic happen, it’s time we got our fair share.”

“We are the backbone of this company, we are the ones that create the magic and keep the parks operating on a daily basis,” said David Hernandez, who works in Tomorrowland Attractions and is a member of the Teamsters Local 495. “We provide exceptional customer service. Together with the help of our fellow union members, friends and family and our community, we’re going to take this fight to Disney and demand our fair share.”

The contract for 13,000 cast members at Disneyland, Disney California Adventure and Downtown Disney, represented by the four unions in the Master Services Agreement, the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers (BCTGM), the Service Employees International Union-United Service Workers West (SEIU-USWW), the Teamsters Local 495 and the United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Local 324, expires June 16, 2024.

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March 26, 2024

TOMORROW: Join your Disney unions on Wednesday, March 27 at 10AM and 7PM for a Zoom webinar to discuss the results of the survey cast members have filled out indicating what you want to see prioritized in our next contract.

The content will be the same at both meetings.

Register here:

10AM: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_HlaID9SuRuOvfBBPTT6cKw

7PM: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_C6_4QzLdT2qVSgn-Xu0_sQ