UFCW 324 Wins Grievance Against Kaiser’s Use of Temporary Agency Workers!

Earlier this year, UFCW 324 filed several grievances challenging Kaiser’s use of temporary agency workers in CRP and MOPC since March 2020, and the arbitrator just ruled completely in the union’s favor!

The arbitrator found that Kaiser violated our collective bargaining agreement by utilizing temporary agency employees to perform bargaining unit work and that unanticipated and significant staffing shortages during the COVID pandemic do not justify Kaiser’s ongoing violations now exceeding three years.


  1. The Employer violated Paragraphs 104 and 105 of the Agreement by its use of temporary agency workers to perform bargaining unit work at the Central Refill Pharmacy and Mail Order Processing Center after March 2020 despite the circumstances presented by the COVID pandemic.
  2. The determination of the appropriate remedy is remanded to the parties with the Arbitrator retaining jurisdiction in the event of a dispute at the request of either party.

We’ll continue to let you know what happens with this case and award.